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Tuesday 25 September 2012

The awkward moment...

...when you miss your blogs birthday ^^; It was on the 19th. Ooooops.
In other news, my blog hit 10,000 pageviews today. Yay!

Tuesday 18 September 2012


Yes, it's been over a month. Again. I'm sorry.

Anyway, I have started a new blog. It's more centred around my interests (considering sims 3 isn't that high on my agenda anymore) so it will be giving advice and tips on writing and things.

So, anyone who likes to write stories, whether it's on the sims site or your blog or your own novel work in progress, come and check it out!

It's called Scribblings of an Inkmouse.

Thank you! ^_^

Thursday 9 August 2012

A major panic, a confession, and a small furry creature

The title says I have a confession to make. And I do. Quite a few simmer have been making confessions recently, so I just thought I'd throw mine in there for good measure. But first, I need to tell you about the MAJOR PANIC I had yesterday.

You probably don't know this, because I haven't told you, but this month I'm doing Camp NaNoWriMo. For those who don't know, NaNoWriMo is a challenge where you have to write 50,000 words in one month.

So, I'd been doing pretty well in this challenge. I was ahead of schedule, excited about what I was writing, overcoming personal word count goals each day, when, suddenly, BAM.

I'd decided to download the full version of Scrivener (my writing software). Makes sense, seeing as my free trial had run out. After downloading it, I went back to my project. It was gone.
Gone. All 17,000 words.

I was horrified. All my hard word. Gone.
Fortunately my dad is a computer whizz and managed to restore it for me, but not all of it survived. I lost over 2,000 words. Better than 17,000, but that was still a heavy blow. I'm still recovering.

Okay, I had to get that off my chest. Anyway, onto the confession.

I've wanted to tell you for quite a while now, but I'm a chicken, so I just kind of avoided the subject for a while, while this poor blog floundered on the brink of extinction because I was scared to post in it. But all the recent confessions and a recent Mare's Nest post have told me that I am just being stupid, because this is nowhere near as dramatic as all the rest so I might as well go ahead and say it.

I haven't played Sims since at least last October. That's ten months ago, people.

Not as dramatic as you were expecting? Or maybe going ten months without Sims is unthinkable to you and and you have just done a spit take of your coffee all over your monitor.

I've been trying to hide it with old Sims pictures and things, but it's not really working. That's why I don't blog much anymore. I don't really know where I want it to go. I honestly don't have time to play Sims anymore, and it crashes so much I just can't be bothered. So now this blog is at a loose end.

Do I want it to mutate into some writing blog, which is my new focus of interest? Or continue to pretend to play Sims? :I I don't want to give up this blog completely, but at the same time I don't know what to do with it.

If I actually have any readers left (and my stats show I do - strangely regular despite the lack of posts, which has kind of made my day) then would anyone care to give their thoughts. Say what you like. You can even tell me to shut up and leave if you really feel you must.

There isn't really a sensible way to end this post, so here is a picture of a French marmot in the Alps.

Friday 8 June 2012

Zombies in Europe

I lie, there are no zombies in Europe. I hope.

I haven't posted in forever :/ Exams, you know?
To relieve the tension, and as I'm sure there are others out there doing exams (those who aren't already on their summer holidays :( ) here are some nice exam answers for you:

And one reminiscent of the recent zombie sightings in Florida/Miami/other places

PS, one day, I will finish that Alphabet Challenged. Promise :)

Saturday 19 May 2012

E is, at last, for Exposition

I've heard some people say you should have as little as possible exposition in your stories. I disagree.
Exposition is important, in that it reveals important information about characters and locations, without which would make the story very hard to understand.
But of course, you can write too much exposition. It's about striking a balance.

One reason readers tend to find too much exposition disruptive is that it tells rather then shows. It tells the reader what has happened, rather than allowing them to experience it. One way this can be solved is by incorporating the exposition into speech, or indicating it through a character's actions. Another is by, after introducing something unusual into the story, giving some brief relevant details about it. However, this method must not be over used, as then it will become boring.

The most important think you can remember about exposition is that it must be relevant, and or, it must be short and to the point. No one wants to trudge through pages and pages of writing about your main characters's lifestory unless it has an actual relevance to the plot (or if your character has a particularly interesting or unusual lifestory).

Sometimes, the best thing to do is to leave the backstory. You don't necessarily need to explain what the character is doing in a graveyard in the middle of the night - humans are curious. Not telling them will encourage them to keep reading until they find out.

Long time no post :I The only word I need to say is: exams

Sunday 13 May 2012

D is for Dialogue

Yes, I know I said I'd post this yesterday, but I got home so late last night, there wasn't time :I

Onto the dialogue:

The first thing you must know about dialogue: It is not the same as how a person really speaks. It's supposed to mimic it. It's supposed to give the impression of real speech.

Dialogue shows character. If one of your characters is, say a successful banker from a wealthy background, they are not going to speak in the same way as a street urchin.
Where your character comes from is important in dialogue. Characters from the same place are likely to have the same accent, and use the same sayings.
On top of all that, the character's personality has a huge impact on what they say. If they are quite shy, they are likely to say little, if anything at all. In contrast, someone who is bossy will probably give orders, and then expect them to be done (and get upset if they aren't)

All dialogue must have a purpose. Your characters can't just have a random conversation halfway through a scene;  they've got to come to an agreement (or a disagreement) or discover something new about the other character. Sometimes dialogue can describe the setting, such as the weather, or give a little exposition (but only in small amounts). But overall, dialogue must always move the plot forward.

If your characters are having a very important conversation, and it's getting a little boring or repetitive, try getting your characters to do something during the conversation. In real life, people don't just sit down an talk. They lounge in their chair, get up and pace around the room, fiddle with their pencil, leave the room to continue the conversation somewhere else, yell at each other during a gunfight...characters do stuff.

But, of course, another very important thing about dialogue is: sometimes it not what a character does say, it's what they don't.

I hope this has given you a little insight on how to write dialogue :)

The next post will be E is for Exposition.

Thursday 10 May 2012

C is for Characters

Characters are one of the most important things in a story. Without your characters, your reader has no one to root for.

You've got to make your reader care about your character. They don't have to like them, as in, want to be their best friend or anything. They've just got to be interested in them, and they've got to care what happens to them.

In order to start creating a character, you've got to know their role in the story.

The Protagonist
The protagonist is the lead character. They are the character your story will focus on. You can have more than one, but usually it is easier to have one particular character leading the story. This character will need to be pretty well rounded to be believable.

Major Characters
The major characters, like the protagonist, have a lot of 'screen time' in the story. They also need to be well developed, as they often have their own subplots. Major characters are characters like the protagonist's friend, or the antagonist (the villain of the story).

Minor Characters
Minor characters, believe it or not, have minor role in the story (le gasp). They tend to be characters like the shopkeeper your protagonist buys bread from in chapter two, or the mailman who brings your protagonist an unusual letter. These characters don't need to be that developed. For your minor characters to add interest to your story, give them one or two character traits, eg, impatient, suspicious, playful, depending on their specific role.

There are several ways to develop a character. Here are three.

1. Writers who like to plan hugely before even starting often use a character profile template to develop their characters, because it literally tells you everything you could ever know about your character. Here's an example.

2. Another way is getting a basic idea of your character, then writing and developing the character as you write.

3. The method I use is a mixture of both.
My version of a character template goes a little like this
Character's name:
Role in the story:
Primary goal (what they wish to achieve, like rescuing their kidnapped friend):
Underlying goals (such as emotional goals, what kind of person they want to be):
Motivation for these goals:
Family and friends:
Basic backstory:

So, not quite as detailed as the first method, but not as vague as just writing an hoping they develop properly.

However, the method that works for you is completely down to your preferred writing style. Do whatever suits you best. You may have a way of creating a character of your own.

Thanks for reading! D is for Dialogue won't be posted tomorrow, but I'll get it out the day after (I have a busy weekend coming up :) )

Wednesday 9 May 2012

B is for Beginning

...and not bumnugget as some will lead you believe *coughcoughMaresNestcoughcough*

Moving on.

Beginnings are pretty important to a reader. If the beginning catches their interesting, they're more likely to read on.
The first things you have to know before you can start is:
Who your major characters and protagonist are.
What you want to happen in the first scene, and, loosely, in the rest of the story.

What usually starts a story is a catalyst. A catalyst is an event which causes something to change. It's also known as The Inciting Incident (now that sounds dramatic).

The catalyst doesn't have to happen right at the beginning. Usually, we see the status quo, the way things are before the story starts, first. That way, what happens afterwards has more of an impact. Then the catalyst happens (which could be anything from starting a new school to someone being kidnapped), and that status quo changes, because the catalyst has affected the characters in some way.

Let's put that into steps:
1. Status quo
2. Something happens
3. The characters react to it
That last bit is important. The event has to affect your characters, even indirectly, or it's not a catalyst.

Now that you know the basic structure, now it's time to start putting sentences on the page.
If you're stuck on what to actually write, I find the best way is to make your protagonist do something. Something that is relevant to their current situation, perhaps tells you a little about their character, and possibly foreshadows the catalyst.

Eg, Jessica watched the rain glumly.

Now you can think about where Jessica is (in school, at home, outside in the park?) and why she's glum about the rain. If you know what your idea is, you can lead on from there.

I hope you found this post helpful :) Come back tomorrow for a post on C is for Characters!

Tuesday 8 May 2012

A is for Alphabet

I've decided to start an alphabet blogging challenge. This blog has been rather inactive recently, and with a prompt, I might actually blog more frequently instead of just staring at a blank page.
The challenge is going to be themed on writing, because I like writing, and also because I could not come up with 26 words for the Sims (I did try, honest).

Don't fear! I'm not giving up on the Sims entirely! I'll still post about it. I'll just post about writing too :)

Anyway, the first word is Alphabet, because this is the alphabet challenge and the word begins with A and I'm not that imaginative.

I'll start properly tomorrow, with the letter B for Beginning.
How apt.

Sunday 22 April 2012

Cookies, llamas, and layouts

Why hello there :) Anyone still looking at this poor neglected blog deserves a cookie. And a llama.

I'm trying out the new blogger layout. It's not as colourful as it was, which is sad, but I'll get over it. Adaption, people, is a humans most important trait! Along with kindness and generosity and things like that of course.

Now I'm going to try to think of ways to uphold a simming blog while having next to no time to play Sims.
Well, you know what they say: If you have no time, make time.
Or words to that effect, anyway :)

Friday 13 April 2012

For me?

A gift? :D

Thank you to the Mare's Nest for the gifts, and the Happy Birthday post ^_^ I feel very loved :)

Tuesday 20 March 2012

A Milestone

Just a little post to say I reached 20,000 in my novel! Woo! :D
Only 60,000 to go...

Sunday 18 March 2012

Next up...

How 'bout Two Million?
Anyway...happy belated one million hits Mares!

Sunday 4 March 2012

It's the 4th of March already? I barely even registered the 1st D:
Oh dear.

It must be all the exams, eating up my times, merging my days into one. (Oh, yes, that's my excuse for not posting much recently!)
Also, the astonishing fact that I have added about 5,000 words to my book in the past few days, possibly a personal record. And, seriously, that many words is going to take it out of you.

I've suddenly realised this post has absolutely no point to it. Oops.
Oh well, just be satisfied with this example of EA glitches

I'm hilarious, I know.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

What's this? Origin?

I know I haven't been on the site for a while, but surely I would have been notified about this?

What the hell is Origin? Why is it asking me to sign into Origin as well as the Sims 3? What's wrong with my OWN LOG IN?

Call me stupid, but can someone please explain what's going on here? I don't want to sign in to some random site D:

Goodbye inkpop

I know, the majority of you are simmers, but I'd just like to express my sadness that inkpop is merging with Figment :I Not merging as in 'let's share' but as in, Figment has bought inkpop out, which appears to me to mean no more critiques my harpercollins editors D:
Oh well, I suppose I will have to learn to use another site :I

When my account is activated, I will post the link :)

Sunday 19 February 2012

Tag Cloud

Hello ^_^

Just a little post to tell you about the new tag cloud thing in the sidebar :) I realise that this blog has ended up having several different focus points, so I thought it might make it easier for different audiences to use the tags to find relevant posts ^^;
Please tell me what you think :)

Saturday 18 February 2012

Stealer of Souls

As has my mother, as you may know if you've read my earlier post :I

I've tried it, but I've not really that into it, mainly because its SO DAMN HARD :I
Because of the view, I can't actually see my enemies, so they just come up behind me and I can't turn around in time, so they kill me D:

Saturday 4 February 2012

Just keeping on topic

Yes, I drew that, and yes I am shamlessly plugging my DA account :)
At least it's sims related, right? XD

PS, that picture is copyrighted to me. Just saying...

200 and 11

Firstly, may I just point out that the previous post was in fact my 200th? Doesn't time fly :)
I wish I didn't have to be that post though :I Oh well.

In other news, I think blogger has had a tiny glitch:

Spot the problem with this picture

I don't think Archivist Comics even existed back then!

Thursday 2 February 2012

Preparing for cover

Today, when I went on my blog, I was greeting by this delightful message:

Sesert has been in my chatbox before, but I simply ignored it. Now he's back -_-
And I thought I could avoid it by keeping a low profile.

Sorry Sesert, not interested.

PS learn to spell :)


Saturday 28 January 2012

What happens when you get too obsessed with a game

I was having a conversation with my mother earlier. It went a little bit like this:

Mum: I found a huge spider earlier! It was up to my knees!
Me: (In major panic mode) WHAT? Where was it?
Mum: It was coming straight for me with its pincers!
Me: Ohmigosh please tell me you got rid of it!
Mum: Oh yes. I stabbed it with my sword-
Me: This was on Skyrim, wasn't it?
Mum: Obviously.
Me: -_-

That is what happens when you try to complete the entire game in two days.
a) it won't happen. Ever
b) you go slightly insane.

Don't try it kids.

Friday 20 January 2012

It's been a while...

I haven't posted anything since the 4th of January *le gasp*
I know, shocker. Did you miss me? :')

I don't really have an excuse, apart from half the time I've been busy, an the other half I just didn't feel like it :) I thought, 'I should really post on my blog...nah, I'll do it later." And then, before I'd even noticed, it was time to go to bed and I hadn't done anything :I

Ever feel like just saying to life, 'Hey, can I have a little break from time for a while and get myself organised? You know, tidy my room, actually write something, maybe some revision, finish some artwork, talk to my friends? Thanks.'
But of course, you can't do that (or maybe you can? XD). I just end up getting rushed along with school and clubs and homework and sleeping and blahblahblah.

Anyway, you may have noticed that I have put up a little progress tracker in the tab. That is because I'm writing a book, and I thought that if I put it on this blog, I might think about it a bit more and actually finish it (my New Year's resolution don'tcha know). I may have mentioned this already :)

I was considering using another, more interesting one, but it wouldn't let me change the target number and it wouldn't fit in the tab :I

Here it is anyway, simply because I found it amusing:

 Example Progress Meter

Sunday 1 January 2012

A new year had arrived! :D

Why hello there. Haven't seen you for a year :')

Okay, fail joke :) Moving on...

Happy new year and all that ^_^ 2012 is going to be busy, what with the Olympics and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and me finishing my book (that's my new year's resolution, so I'm gonna do it XD) and my birthday, not to mention the end of the world :') Luckily, I get my birthday before then, so all's  good :)

You can't beat London at new year's eve with their epic firework display! :D