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Thursday 9 August 2012

A major panic, a confession, and a small furry creature

The title says I have a confession to make. And I do. Quite a few simmer have been making confessions recently, so I just thought I'd throw mine in there for good measure. But first, I need to tell you about the MAJOR PANIC I had yesterday.

You probably don't know this, because I haven't told you, but this month I'm doing Camp NaNoWriMo. For those who don't know, NaNoWriMo is a challenge where you have to write 50,000 words in one month.

So, I'd been doing pretty well in this challenge. I was ahead of schedule, excited about what I was writing, overcoming personal word count goals each day, when, suddenly, BAM.

I'd decided to download the full version of Scrivener (my writing software). Makes sense, seeing as my free trial had run out. After downloading it, I went back to my project. It was gone.
Gone. All 17,000 words.

I was horrified. All my hard word. Gone.
Fortunately my dad is a computer whizz and managed to restore it for me, but not all of it survived. I lost over 2,000 words. Better than 17,000, but that was still a heavy blow. I'm still recovering.

Okay, I had to get that off my chest. Anyway, onto the confession.

I've wanted to tell you for quite a while now, but I'm a chicken, so I just kind of avoided the subject for a while, while this poor blog floundered on the brink of extinction because I was scared to post in it. But all the recent confessions and a recent Mare's Nest post have told me that I am just being stupid, because this is nowhere near as dramatic as all the rest so I might as well go ahead and say it.

I haven't played Sims since at least last October. That's ten months ago, people.

Not as dramatic as you were expecting? Or maybe going ten months without Sims is unthinkable to you and and you have just done a spit take of your coffee all over your monitor.

I've been trying to hide it with old Sims pictures and things, but it's not really working. That's why I don't blog much anymore. I don't really know where I want it to go. I honestly don't have time to play Sims anymore, and it crashes so much I just can't be bothered. So now this blog is at a loose end.

Do I want it to mutate into some writing blog, which is my new focus of interest? Or continue to pretend to play Sims? :I I don't want to give up this blog completely, but at the same time I don't know what to do with it.

If I actually have any readers left (and my stats show I do - strangely regular despite the lack of posts, which has kind of made my day) then would anyone care to give their thoughts. Say what you like. You can even tell me to shut up and leave if you really feel you must.

There isn't really a sensible way to end this post, so here is a picture of a French marmot in the Alps.

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